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Please Note: All Bananas will need to be kept in a heated (60+ degrees) and sunny location. This is necessary from early November until danger of last frost has passed, early spring. Thanks!
Musa - Dwarf Cavendish

The Dwarf Cavendish banana is a widely grown and commercially important Cavendish cultivar. The name "Dwarf Cavendish" is in reference to the height of the pseudostem, not the fruit. Young plants have maroon or purple blotches on their leaves but quickly lose them as they mature. It is one of the most commonly planted banana varieties from the Cavendish type, and the main source of commercial Cavendish bananas along with Grand Nain. Normal size fruit and works well in containers. Container grown in colder climates where the plant can be protected from severe cold.
Found in your local grocery store, Cavendish is the most common consumer banana.
For containers, plant using an 80/20 Peat to Perlite ratio. In ground planting may require a simple soil test. Amend your ground soil using peat based products that will help the soil retain moisture. Starter plants need to be kept warm during winter months. Plant out in early spring after danger of last frost has passed.
6-8', Smaller in Container
2-4 times weekly in the growing season (March to August)
16-2-12 or 16-10-10
Full Sun
Musa - Grand Nain

Grand Nain bananas (also spelled Grande Naine) are banana cultivars of Musa acuminata. It is one of the most commonly cultivated bananas and a member of the commercial Cavendish banana cultivar group. It is also known as the Chiquita banana because it is the main product of Chiquita Brands International.
The name Grand Nain refers to its relative height compared to other Cavendish cultivars. It is shorter than the Giant Cavendish and taller than the Dwarf Cavendish cultivars. The Grand Nain cannot typically be distinguished from other Cavendish cultivars without growing
theplants side by side and comparing the heights. Found in your local grocery store, Cavendish is the most common consumer banana.
For containers, plant using an 80/20 Peat to Perlite ratio. In ground planting may require a simple soil test. Amend your ground soil using peat based products that will help the soil retain moisture. Starter plants need to be kept warm during winter months. Plant out in early spring after danger of last frost has passed.
8-10', Smaller in Container
2-4 times weekly in the growing season (March to August)
16-2-12 or 16-10-10
Full Sun
Musa - Basjoo

Musa basjoo is a herbaceous perennial with trunk-like pseudostems growing to around 6-8', with a crown of mid-green leaves growing up to 6.5 ft long and 28 in. wide when mature. The species produces male and female flowers on the same inflorescence which may extend for over 3 ft. The banana fruit formed are yellow-green, around 2-4 in. long and about 1 in. wide.; they are inedible, with sparse white pulp and many black seeds.
This is one of the most exciting bananas. The plant has long, slender, bright green leaves. M. basjoo is the world's cold hardiest banana It is hardy planted in ground -3F and with protective mulching it can survive temperatures reaching down to -20F. Its inflorescense is one of the most beautiful of all bananas. Strong fibers in the trunk of M. basjoo have been used to make fabrics.
It is a great landscape plant, it lends a tropical appearance to any situation. This is a great addition for gardeners living in cold temperate areas. M. basjoo also does very well in containers and makes a good interior plant.Found in your local grocery store, Cavendish is the most common consumer banana.
For containers, plant using an 80/20 Peat to Perlite ratio. In ground planting may require a simple soil test. Amend your ground soil using peat based products that will help the soil retain moisture. Starter plants need to be kept warm during winter months. Plant out in early spring after danger of last frost has passed.
12-18', Smaller in Container
2-4 times weekly in the growing season (March to August)
16-2-12 or 16-10-10
Full Sun
Ensete Maurelii

Ensete maurelii is a fast-growing banana plant, often reaching up to 12’ – 20’ feet tall. When provided ideal growing season conditions, the humungous plant may heighten up to 30’ – 40’ feet tall. The plant usually reaches this height in its native tropical lands only. The leaves of the ensete are usually large, paddle-like, reaching up to 10’ – 20’ feet long and 2′ – 4’ feet wide. They come in an olive-green shade and have vivid midribs and prominent leaf stalks. The foliage is quite dramatic, with a combination of deep red and intense green colors.
The tropical plant enjoys full sun or part shade to prompt active new growth. The plant should avoid low light as it hinders growth. For ideal formation, the plant further requires 68° degrees Fahrenheit (20° C). During winter, the plant needs partial shade and a minimum temperature of 54° degrees Fahrenheit (12° C).
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The Abyssianian banana needs plenty of water, especially in the dry season. The plant should not dry out between watering sessions. The established plants are drought-resistant, to some extent. However, ensure the moist soil is well-drained, ranging from a pH level of 5.5 to 6.5. The banana tree is a heavy feeder and therefore needs a well-balanced fertilizer.
During cold, chilly weather conditions, the plant does well with infrequent watering as it is dormant at the time.
For containers, plant using an 80/20 Peat to Perlite ratio. In ground planting may require a simple soil test. Amend your ground soil using peat based products that will help the soil retain moisture. Starter plants need to be kept warm during winter months. Plant out in early spring after danger of last frost has passed.